Cyber security and privacy

Cyber security and privacy

The threats from cyber adversaries are continuing to grow in scale and sophistication.

The threats from cyber adversaries are continuing to grow in scale and sophistication.

Dealing with cyber threat is a complex challenge

Public and private organizations in various sectors worldwide now openly acknowledge that cyber attacks are one of the most prevalent and high impact risks they face. 


Dealing with the cyber threat is a complex challenge. Much of the current focus is on protection and compliance, as organizations – subject to increasing amounts of legislative, corporate and regulatory requirements – demonstrate they are managing and protecting information appropriately. 

The Information Security landscape is constantly evolving. Private and public sector organizations find it difficult to believe they could be a target for cyber attacks. This mindset needs to change – as the best offence is a good defense. At the same time, it is no longer viable to rely on defense. The determined adversary will get through eventually. As a result, public and private sector entities must know what is going on around them so that they can identify when an attack has taken place or when an attack is imminent. Intelligence and the insight that it brings is at the heart of next generation of Information Security. 

Our services

We offer a suite of services designed to assist organizations in enhancing the return on their IT investments and more effectively manage their IT risks and skills. 

  • IT Internal auditing
  • IT Strategy and Performance
  • Network & Internet security
  • Penetration testing
  • System selection

As trusted advisors to governments and industry around the world, KPMG member firms work to find smart, creative and forward-thinking strategies to cut through complexity and address cyber security challenges.

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