KPMG Oracle alliance

KPMG Oracle alliance


KPMG Powered Enterprise

Today’s leading organizations know that transforming the efficiency of back-office functions, such as finance and HR, can lead to competitive advantage — and using the cloud has many benefits. But getting the whole organization on board can be difficult and time-consuming.

KPMG Powered Enterprise gives you the solution to help you get there more quickly and efficiently. It’s a pre-defined set of business functions that enables organizations to improve back-office performance and efficiency.

Our Finance, Procurement and HR operating models, implementation tools and configured cloud technologies are pre-defined based on the 80/20 rule to give you a rapid start. The KPMG team works with you to tailor the pre-defined solution to fit your unique business. KPMG Powered Enterprise can deliver:

Rapid business-led implementation

KPMG Powered Enterprise provides you with answers instead of questions. Our team works with you to validate the pre-defined business functions, allowing you to see the solution sooner and create a faster implementation path and greater step change in value.

Leading practice insight

Our solution has leading practices and industry insight embedded, addressing many of the challenges you currently face. You can choose the solution that best fits your business now and into the future.

Continuous business improvement

Continuous and regular updates are inherent in cloud technologies. Our solution is designed to take advantage of these innovations, and can change with your business as it evolves and expands.

For more information, download PDF.

© 2024 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.

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