Global Agribusiness Survey 2017

Global Agribusiness Survey 2017

KPMG annual agribusiness survey report captures the views of leading global agribusinesses to understand the mood of the sector on a wide range of issues.

Alexander Gavriliuk

Partner, Audit Quality & Risk Management

KPMG in Ukraine

Aerial view of tractor cultivating on a farm

KPMG survey highlights both the optimism about the future and the realisation that there will be a significant effort involved in innovation, developing personnel, sourcing finance and above all meeting the needs of customers - if organisations are to win.

Key findings

  • Price volatility and trade agreements remained the top two biggest challenges facing agribusinesses in the next 10 years.
  • Most companies regarded access to export markets as the key area that, if addressed by Government, would benefit their business.
  • 91 percent of companies expected to grow with 29 percent saying they would grow by more than 5 percent.
  • 42 percent of companies are focusing their R&D spend on production and process improvements, while 29 percent plan to invest in new product development.
  • The greatest challenges to driving innovation were identified as people, corporate culture and a lack of ownership of the full value chain.
  • The main reason for driving sustainability is to add value and improve their brand and reputation.
  • The majority of businesses are confident and investing to grow with an increased share of investment planned for capital projects compared with 2016 (63 percent).

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