On the front desk 2017

On the front desk 2017

This publication showcases some of the latest solutions KPMG has developed with its clients in the hospitality and leisure sector.

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Many will agree that it has been an exciting year, in which we have seen some historical mergers which will continue to have impacts on the leisure market. Taking a positive view, volatility brings opportunity, and at KPMG we have seen a wide range of diverse, transaction-related engagements.

The global hospitality market is consolidating, maturing and seeing a number of new market entrants. KPMG is investing globally in companies and expertise in order to meet the new demands from our clients and the market in general.

Regions are showing varying maturities around similar trends. For example, some travelers are looking for ‘authentic’ experiences, whilst others seek something more cultural or lifestyle/business focused. Planned travel, whether for business or leisure, is becoming shorter in length but at the same time more frequent. China’s Five-Year Plan identifies tourism as a core growth engine, resulting in the recent rapid growth of China’s hotel industry. The general expectation is that this growth will continue for years to come and will affect the whole region.

All in all, there are some enormous opportunities in the market and products that are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, innovative, continuing to delight travelers! It is with great pleasure that we present you with some of KPMG’s most recent global case studies.

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