Entrepreneur Rising: Inside the minds of Canada’s technology company founders

Entrepreneur Rising

Canada’s technology sector is in the midst of a resurgence, with Canadian founded companies on the rise.

Entrepreneur Rising

This report, conducted in partnership with the C100 Association, provides a unique view of Canada’s technology entrepreneurs. Based on a study of more than 50 Canadian technology company founders, the report explores their insights on funding and scaling a world-leading technology company, and delves into key topics such as their views on Canada’s current ecosystem and how they leverage relationships and resources in Silicon Valley to help their company’s growth. Among our findings:

Canada’s entrepreneurs say the Canadian technology ecosystem has improved significantly

  • 77% believe that leveraging the Canadian ecosystem is very important to the growth of their company
  • 83% believe Canada should be a great launching point for global companies

Canadian technology entrepreneurs believe spending time in Silicon Valley is absolutely critical to success.

  • 85% say spending time in Silicon Valley has made them think on a bigger scale and do things differently
  • 62% report that they made important VC relationships and met future corporate acquisition partners by visiting Silicon Valley.

Explore these themes and learn more by reading the full report.

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