Slovak telehealth start-up 24Doctor signs partnership deal with Medgate

24Doctor signs partnership deal with Medgate

KPMG provided Deal Advisory and Legal services to Rodinny lekar (24Doctor).

Marc Leubner

Associate Partner, Head of Deal Advisory

KPMG in Slovakia

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24Doctor is the first private telehealth venture in Slovakia enabling 24/7 medical consultations. The mission of the company is to establish a platform for the growing telemedical initiatives supported by the healthcare systems not only on the Slovak market but throughout the CEE region. 24Doctor is focused on establishing core relationships with top tier insurance companies and channel its telehealth offering as add-on services to general and life-insurance platforms as well as specialized health insurers and health systems mainly in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary as well as the Balkan states.

Medgate is the leading provider of integrated out-patient care based in Basel in Switzerland, with more than 6 million solved medical cases documented up to now worldwide through its in-house team of 100 physicians. Medgate actively supports start-ups and emerging markets with already established joint-ventures and partnerships in Australia, India, South-East Asia and Abu-Dhabi. The partnership with 24Doctor will enable Medgate to enter, explore and develop the potential of the CEE telehealth market together with the expertise of the local 24Doctor team.

24Doctor will benefit from Medgate’s deep operational and strategic know-how to scale the regional business sustainably. It will help to build the credibility needed for establishing a solid platform for developing the telehealth market in the region. 24Doctor will also leverage on Medgate´s state-of-the art IT infrastructure and telehealth operational best practices models. All this contributes to fulfil the company´s ambition to improve the quality of healthcare in Slovakia as well as in the Czech Republic and other Eastern European countries. It wants to implement innovative and effective telehealth models from markets where telehealth is successfully integrated into the health care system to patients in Slovakia and surrounding CEE countries.

KPMG provided Deal Advisory and Legal services to Rodinny lekar (24Doctor) when establishing key partnership. KPMG assisted the company through all key steps of the transaction from deal preparation to the final signature of the contract.

© 2024 KPMG Slovensko spol. s r.o., a Slovak limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.


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