Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report

KPMG in Romania’s fourth Sustainability Report, developed in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines, broadly defines our vision of tailoring a long term sustainable business.

sustainability report

We consider this publication as a step forward towards the future of our reporting process, and we look at it as a transitional initiative leading to the application of the GRI Standards, which are global best practice in reporting non-financial performance.

Looking back at the regulatory changes that took place during the 2015-2016 period, and the dynamics of these changes up to the present, we have come to realise that there is an escalating degree of uncertainty, which makes forward planning a lot more challenging. Overall Romania performed well during the 2015-2016 period compared with other EU member states. However, given the present context, it is important to consider the risks that might affect the country’s financial stability. 


©2024 KPMG România S.R.L., o societate cu răspundere limitată de drept român, membră a organizației globale KPMG, compusă din societăți membre independente afiliate KPMG International Limited, societate privată engleză cu raspundere limitată la garanții.  Toate drepturile rezervate.

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