Infrastructure Morality

Infrastructure Morality

In this edition of Insight magazine, we focus on tackling some of the hard issues around the topic flash-points such as migration, economic inclusion, corruption, social equality and affordability by asking the difficult questions of infrastructure leaders and executives at the forefront of the morality debate.


As a sector, we talk a lot around themorality of infrastructure. But wedo not use those words. Instead,we talk about affordability, social benefit,development and access. And we aimto improve the morality of infrastructurethrough programs under an equally diverseset of themes — social responsibility,active investing and transparency, to namebut a few.

Yet — until today — no one has reallystopped to consider how all of these trends,ideas and initiatives combine and coalesce toform a sense of ‘infrastructure morality’. Thereare no books or guidelines on infrastructuremorality; no training courses or seminars todictate what is right and what is wrong. As aresult, it is often left to governments, investors,policy makers and developers to puzzle outwhat is morally acceptable and what is not.

That is why we are particularly proud of this edition of Insight magazine. Within these pages, we have focused on tackling some of the hard issues — flash-points such as migration, corruption, social equality and affordability. And we have asked difficult questions of infrastructure leaders and executives at the forefront of the moral debate— Brazil’s construction leaders, Bangladesh’s PPP executive and the Director General of Kenya’s Vision 2030 initiative, for example.

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