Oil & Gas Bulletin - June 2016

Oil & Gas Bulletin - June 2016

We are glad to announce the next issue of the Newsletters, which present KPMG thought leadership and studies covering the vital topics for oil and gas industry.


We continue familiarising you with the data from Global CEO Outlook – Energy Perspective survey. This time the sections “Risk and Regulation” and “Cybersecurity” are in the spotlight.

The article by Alan Kennedy, UK Oilfield Services Leader, KPMG in the UK, and Zoe Thompson US Oilfield Services Leader, KPMG in the US, deal with the current trends and challenges that the oil service companies face worldwide.

We also offer the article by Anton Oussov, Partner, Head of Oil & Gas, Russia and the CIS, is devoted to the disclosure requirements for oil and gas companies.

We hope that our Newsletter will be useful and interesting for you.



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