

KPMG Austria would like to make its website,, available to the broadest public possible. On this page you will find information on how to access the website optimally with the browser you use.


This website is supported by most common browsers. Please note that this website is best viewed with certain browser versions. This may not always be the latest browser version.

Screen resolution

This website is designed for a minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels. If your current setting is lower, scroll bars will automatically appear on pages that do not fit in the browser window.

Audio files

To listen to audio podcasts, a media player such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer or iTunes is required. Media players can usually be downloaded free of charge from the respective developer websites.


You need the Adobe Flash Player to view most of the multimedia presentations or videos on this site. You can find the latest version on the Adobe Flash Player website. All video and audio content is provided with an alternative text version.


All pages contain a link to the home page, the sitemap and a search field.


If you want to use a screen reader, you can find offers on the Adobe Access website.


Although JavaScript is used throughout the entire website, basic elements such as navigation or search remain fully functional even if the visitor has disabled the Javascript function of his browser.


If you have any questions or comments about this website, please feel free to contact us using the contact form.